• BuilDB helps to manage and share profile builds.
• Restructured Menus adds, moves and removes a few menu items.
• Alphasort Mods sorts mods using alphabetical order instead of loading priority.
• Lobby Settings adds access limiters and remembers your settings.
• Lobby Player Info displays information about players in lobby and loadout screens.
• Drag and Drop Inventory helps to manage your inventory by easily moving items or pages.
• Rename Inventory Pages does what its name implies.
• Search Inventory highlights items matching your keywords.
• More Weapon Stats provides more details about weapons like accurate reload times, ammo pickup and damage breakpoints.
• Marking changes a few things related to how you mark enemies/cameras.
• Reload Then Run prevents you to cancel reloading by running too early.
• Switch underbarrel in steelsight lets you handle the "Little Friend" more easily.
• Full Speed Swarm improves general performance and fixes numerous bugs.
• Iter improves pathfinding and fixes numerous map specific issues.
NPC Teammates
• Keepers gives players more control on bots and provides new AI behaviours.
• Monkeepers manages bots so they carry lootbags like players do.
• Crew Ability: Pied Piper makes hostage management easier for solo players.
• Enhanced Hitmarkers customizes hitmarkers as you wish.
• Saw Helper provides visual assistance regarding sawable things.
• Less Inaccurate Weapon Laser makes laser to point closer to where bullets go.
• Flashing Swan Song visually tells when another player is in swan song mode.
• Fading Contour makes outlines to dissipate gradually.
• Pager Contour lets no doubt about what pager is answered by other players.
• Bag Contour customizes bag outlines as you wish.
• Yet Another Flashlight grants a slightly more powerful flashlight.
• Sentry Health Display displays health level and ammo.
• Sentry Auto AP sets your sentries in AP mode by default.
• Please, Go There extends behaviour of civilians and gives more control to direct them.
• Keep it clean! adds more pressure on those who kill civilians (loud only).
• Moveable Intimidated Cop adds the ability to move a surrendered cop.
• Civilian ! Marker for Drop-ins fixes exclamation mark on alerted civilians.
• No Mutants Allowed detects cheats.
• No Duplicated Bullets fixes a few synchronization issues (client-side only).
• Filtered Camera Beeps makes stealth gameplay less stressful by silencing beeps that concern other players.
• Mr. Dr. Fantastic! helps to centralize clues during day 2 of the Big Oil heist.
• Make Technician Great Again! extends a technician skill to be able to deal with bulldozers stylishly.
• Fix Crime Spree Concealment Modifier ensures a stealth only modifier only affects stealth gameplay as stated in its description.
• Goonmod's Custom Waypoints is a significantly extended version of the original mod written by James Wilkinson.