Welcome to SandyMod, reborn from a few years ago when work got too much for it. I have started from scratch with the intention of making useless weapons, mods and skills viable. Currently I'm only working on the weapons.
also have staeam group set up here: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/PD2SandyMod
Here's a list of all my current changes (there are formatting errors): Weapons: -All bows and crossbows can now pierce armor
-Vulcan Minigun has increased accuracy
<Rattlesnake -Damaged increased to 208, ammo increased to 60
<Thanatos -Damage increased to 5800, ammo decreased to 11
<Lebensauger -Damage increased to 504, ammo decreased to 30
<R93 -Damage increased to 787.5, ammo decreased to 23
<Platypus -Damage increased to 787.5, ammo decreased to 23
<Nagant -Damage increased to 630
<Repeater -Damage increased to 504, ammo decreased to 34
<Car-4 -Rate of fire increased to 800
<AK -Rate of fire increased to 875
Weapon Mods: <Barrels -AK Slavic Dragon Barrel now has +12 stability, increased conealment, damage +4
-CAR-4 Short Barrel stability now +4, damage +4
-CAR-4 Long Barrel Stability now -8
-Gewehr 3 assault pack gives ammo pickup bonus appropriate to it's total ammo.
-Gewehr 3 sniper kit no longer cuts ammo pickup
<Barrels (NOT extensions) -Commando 553 long barrel now gives -12 stability
<Barrel Extensions: -Stubby Compenastor added +4 accuracy
-Firebreather damage increased +1
-Tank Compensator damage increased +1
-Funnel of Fun damage increased to 10, accuracy now -12
<Gadgets -Assault Flashlight now has +12 stability, increased threat, decreased concealment
-Tactical Laser Module now has +4 accuracy
<Foregrips: -Keymod Rail stability now -12
-Crabs Rail accuracy now -8, stability now +12, concealment now -1
-Lightweight Rail stability now -8, concealment now 0
-Battleproven Handguard accuracy now 0, stability +4, damage + 1, concealment -1
-The Tactical Russian Handguard accuracy now +4. stability now -4
-Railed Wooden Handguard stability now +4, concealment now +2
-E.M.O. Forgrip concealment now -1
-Aftermarket Speacial Handguard damage +1, accuracy increased by 4, concealment now -2
-OVAL Forgrip stability reduced to +12 (from +16)
<Grips -Rubber Grip stability now 0
<Lower Reciever -THRUST Lower Reciever now has -4 accuracy and -4 stability
<Magazines -CAR Quadstacked Mag no longer gives stability bonus
-L5 Magazine stability now 0, accuracy +4
-M4 Quadstacked mag stability now 0
<Stocks -M4 Tactical Stock now gives +4 accuracy, +1 concealment
-AK Standard stock now gives -4 accuracy, + 4 stability
-Commando 553 enhanced stock now gives +12 accuracy as well
Be aware that the comments system here flag me as spam, so while I can read your comments, I cannot reply to them.