This mod replaces the contours around Uppers-enabled First Aid Kits (FAK) to allow them to be distinguished from basic ones. Basic FAKs retain their usual aquamarine contour, while Uppers-enabled FAKs now have a deeper blue contour. This mod works both when hosting and when connected as a client, but only you will be able to see the differing contours.
Recap: Uppers-enabled FAKs can instantly 'revive' you if your health goes to zero while you are within 5 meters of them, without incurring a down penalty. This applies even if you do not own the skill - as long as the player who placed the FAK owns the skill, you can benefit from it.
Installation of the mod is straightforward - simply install the mod the same way as any other BLT mod. No configuration is necessary.
0.0.1 / revision 1:
- Initial release