Created by Naviaux.
Last updated on 14-11-2015.
Download Technician Rework

Trip Mine Changes
Demolition Man - Removed
- Basic: Moved to Shaped Charge Ace
- Aced: Combined with Hardware Expert Basic
Combat Engineer - Tier 1
- Basic: Replaces the ability to turn trip mines on/off with a sensory mode
- Aced: Special enemies that are marked will take 15% more damage
Blast Radius - Tier 2 (Replaces Tactical Mines)
- Basic: 30% Trip mine explosion radius
- Aced: 70% Additional trip mine explosion radius
Jack of All Trades - Tier 3
- Basic: 20% Interaction Speed
- Aced: Can place both trip mines and sentry guns
Shaped Charge - Tier 4
- Basic: Trip mines can be used to breach certain safes and doors
- Aced: 4 more trip mines are added to your inventory
Sentry Gun Changes
Sentry Gun - Tier 3
- Basic:
- Can place sentries
- Sentries come with a shield
- Aced:
- 100% Sentry gun accuracy
- 150% Sentry gun rotational speed
Sentry Targeting Package - Removed
- Basic: Moved to Sentry Gun Aced
- Aced:
- Rotation speed moved to Sentry Gun Aced
- Additional sentry gun ammo moved to Sentry Munitions Upgrade
Sentry Munitions Upgrade - Tier 4 (Replaces Sentry Combat Upgrade)
- Basic: 50% Additional ammo in sentry guns
- Aced: Ability to reload sentry guns with your own ammo
Sentry Tower Defense - Tier 5
- Basic: Added ability to repair sentries (needs confirmation)
Other Changed Skills
Rifleman - Tier 1
- Aced: Adds 4 accuracy to assault rifles.
Sharpshooter - Tier 2
- Basic: Adds 4 stability to assault rifles
- Aced: Adds 8 accuracy to assault rifles.
Hardware Expert
- Basic: You can place trip mines 40% faster
Mag Plus - Tier 5
- Basic: Increases magazine capacity by 20%
- Aced: Increases magazine capacity by an additional 20% (40% total)
New Skills
Percussive Maintenance - Tier 6
- Basic: 10% chance to restore 10% of maximum ammo upon scoring a melee kill
- Aced: 35% chance upon striking a broken drill to fix it
Drop Reloading - Tier 6
- Basic: 15% Reload speed
- Aced: 15% Additional reload speed for you and your teammates
Thanks To:
- Yellow Satan: He helped me with the localization issues I was having as well as the basic skill for Percussive Maintenance
- SC: Such encouraging words from him
- asquaredninja: For suggesting Percussive Maintenance
- Undeadsewer: For helping me with the code for Percussive Maintenance
- Noep-erino: For being so gracious as to let me borrow some code for Drop Reloading and Mag Plus
- And everyone else that helped my test the mod with it's various flaws and issues!
Download Technician Rework